Sunday, November 24, 2019

24 Nov 19 (Sun) - Korean Ginseng Black Chicken Soup

Bought some fresh Korean ginseng from recent trip to Busan and my little big sis used it to cook Korean Ginseng Chicken Soup using the recipe from The Burning Kitchen.

We used two Korean ginseng roots instead of one because the ones I bought were rather skinny. Not sure if we had added too much water or the ginseng roots I bought were not good enough, the ginseng taste wasn't strong.

Not satisfied with the result, so decided to try again today but with a twist and some tweaks. Yes, I like to play with my food. Kekeke... Instead of large chicken, I used a small black chicken; instead of white glutinous rice, I used black glutinous rice; instead of ginger slices, I used ginger powder and I managed to get fresh chestnuts from the wet market.

Because of this recipe, I went to buy a new pot so that I can use it on the larger ring of my induction cooker. Hrm... I guess the pot width is too wide, I had to add a lot of water in order to cover the chicken and already I didn't cover the chicken in full.

Instead of cooking it for four hours as stated in the recipe, I cooked it for two hours, turning the chicken now and then to cook it all around. The smell from the soup was nice, however, the taste was rather bland and not much ginseng taste. Other than that, it was still good as chicken soup, all things considered.

In order not to make the soup cloudy with all the ingredients inside the chicken, took it out on a separate bowl to remove the ingredients.

Tada, the final product. Obviously, I need to improve on my presentation. Hahaha... Just nice for a rainy weather.

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