Tuesday, September 14, 2021

14 Sep 2021 (Tue) – Ruby Grapefruit Sorbet

 Acquired the taste for ruby grapefruit recently, after buying three last month to make fruit peels enzyme. The fruit is tangy and sweet at the same time while the peels yield better results than orange peels when comes to making fruit enzyme.

Therefore, I bought another six last weekend to make more enzyme. So, what should I do with the flesh of the fruit then? Since the weather has been rather hot and humid lately, I decided to make sorbet instead. 

Ingredients (Makes about 3/4 pint)

150ml water
180ml grapefruit juice (squeeze and remove pulp)
110g white sugar
1/2 tbsp grapefruit zest (from 1 grapefruit)

1.  Combine water and sugar in a saucepan over medium high heat.
2.  Bring to a boil and stir until sugar dissolves.
3.  Remove from heat, add zest and set aside to cool.
4.  Once cool, sieve the mixture to remove the zest to set aside.
5.  Add grapefruit juice, some zest from previous step, stir and cover.
6.  Refrigerate for a couple of hours until thoroughly chilled.
7.  Once chilled thoroughly, put in the freezer.
8.  Remove from freezer after 1 hour to churn using a fork.
9.  Repeat the step for another 3-4 times and store in the freezer until ready to serve.

This sorbet is by far the best that I have made. The tanginess and sweetness was just right. When eaten with a bit of grapefruit juice and flesh, was really refreshing. This will be my go-to sorbet from now on.

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