Saturday, June 16, 2012

16 Jun 12 (Sat) - Grapefruit Juice and Bubur Pulut Hitam Dango

Bought a Toyomi blender from Tangs last Saturday and wanted to try it out this weekend. Went marketing at Carrefour yesterday and saw some grapefruits. I remembered Dr. Oz mentioned something about drinking grapefruit juice to lose weight so bought two to try them on the blender. Grapefruit juice on its own doesn’t taste so good, therefore, I added one tablespoon of Happy Sheep strawberry honey to it. The result was yummy!

After the previous attempt at the coco nana ice cream and some reading up, it seems that instead of just using whipping cream to make ice cream, the alternative is to use evaporated milk and coconut milk. Using the coco nana ice cream recipe as a guide, I had this idea of creating the bubur pulut hitam ice cream. So soaked the black glutinous rice overnight and cooked them early this morning. Then measured about one cup of the cooked glutinous rice and added them to the evaporated milk and coconut milk and blended using the blender. True to what I read, the whisked evaporated milk increased in volume tremendously compared to my previous attempt of just whisking using a hand whisk. As the mixture wasn’t sweet enough, I added another six teaspoons of icing sugar before pouring into a container and chucking into the freezer. Will only know the taste tomorrow.

Since I still have some bubur pulut hitam left, I used the syrup to make dango. The uncooked dango were light purple in color and one thing I noticed was that using the syrup to form the dough, the dough wasn’t as sticky as the one formed using just hot water. I wonder why. Boiled the uncooked dango and once they floated, transferred them to cold water then drained them before skewering. Didn’t pan-fry them this time round and just pour some bubur pulut hitam over the skewered dango. The syrup gave a nice purple color to the dango after they were cooked; however, the bubur pulut hitam didn’t stick well to the dango like anko does.

The uncooked dango in white and light purple:

Some photos of the cooked dango with bubur pulut hitam on the newly acquired plates :

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